Embracing the New Moon in Pisces: A Journey of Transformation and Manifestation

March 9, 2024

Preface: I felt compelled to write this post as I’ve noticed a recurring theme over the past three years of my life: my profound struggle during Pisces season. It’s almost become a humorous note to myself to mark it on my calendar as a period requiring special preparation for next year! Despite my chart being heavily influenced by Scorpio, and being surrounded by Cancers (my mother, grandmother, son’s dad, and a few friends), Pisces season introduces a unique depth that challenges me in unexpected ways. I find myself retreating, adopting various facades to navigate the everyday demands of life and sustain my business, all the while yearning for the comfort of my own introspective “womb.” It just puts me in a place of overwhelm and ‘a lot’ of feelings.

As we transition from the end of winter into the budding promise of spring, my instinct is to remain nestled in the warmth and safety of introspection, making the thought of venturing out daunting. I co-facilitate New Moon Community Circles monthly, each bringing its own energy, but Pisces season always tests my willingness to engage, as I’m deeply immersed in navigating my internal waters, let alone guiding others through theirs. My reluctance stems from personal fears, including the fear of being seen and the fear of leading successfully.

However, I constantly remind myself of the importance of perseverance; the sense of fulfillment and pride I feel after each circle, buoyed by the positive integration experiences shared by participants afterward, always reassures me. These moments of reflection prompt me to question my self-doubt. Why do I ever doubt myself?!? It’s become clear to me that these fears and doubts are ingrained within my subconscious, and confronting them head-on is not just an option but a mission I’m determined to accomplish. Even diving in and writing this today, all knowing my soul was calling me to do this a week ago! I had to push myself to get it done (even if I wanted to take a nap halfway through writing this lol), but I deeply and sincerely know my words can and will help others.

Let’s dive in:

March 10, 2024, brings a powerful New Moon in Pisces, offering a unique opportunity for deep introspection, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening. As we navigate the ethereal waters of Pisces, we are invited to reflect on our inner barriers and embrace the potential for transformation that lies within. This period is not just about setting intentions; it’s about understanding the depth of our potential and the power we hold to shape our reality.

Pisces, along with Cancer and Scorpio, offer a profound glimpse into the depths of our subconscious, helping us see ourselves with greater clarity. It’s crucial to acknowledge this as we work on deconstructing our past conditioning and digging deep to liberate ourselves from self-inflicted suffering and victimhood stories.

The Influence of Water: Embracing Emotional Flow and Your Divine Feminine

Pisces, a water sign, invites us to explore the profound lessons taught by its element—water. Water symbolizes the fluidity of emotions, the depth of our inner worlds, and the continual flow of life. Just as the tide ebbs and flows, we too experience cycles of emotional highs and lows, learning to ride the waves with grace. Water’s adaptability encourages us to embrace change, allowing our emotions to flow freely, cleansing and rejuvenating our spirit.

Water also connects us to our divine feminine essence, irrespective of gender. This essence is about receptivity, intuition, and nurturing—qualities that enable us to connect deeply with our inner selves and the universe. Through the New Moon in Pisces, we’re reminded of the strength in vulnerability and the power of our emotional currents to guide us toward healing and transformation.

Breaking Through Barriers with Uranus’s Assistance

This New Moon works closely with Uranus in Taurus, challenging us to break free from the constraints of our past. Uranus’s energy propels us towards revelations and transformative breakthroughs, urging us to confront and release old patterns that hinder our growth. However, the journey may not be comfortable—Uranus’s influence can feel like a shock to our system-unsettling in our nervous system, pushing us to face truths we may have avoided. Yet, it is through these truths that we find our pathway forward, shifting our vibration and opening ourselves to new possibilities.

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Self-Reflection and Healing

Before writing our intentions for the New Moon, it’s crucial to introspect: How do I limit myself? From self-sabotage to doubts in our manifesting power, recognizing our self-imposed barriers is the first step. Ask yourself about the origins of these blocks—are they habits or rooted deeper within? Understanding and addressing these aspects is essential for breaking free and aligning with our highest visions.

The Power of Mindfulness and Observation

Pisces, the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, reminds us of our essence as spiritual beings in human form, and with that comes deep acceptance. The New Moon in Pisces is a perfect time to practice mindfulness, observing our thoughts and sensations without reaction. This practice of observation allows us to process and release emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and enhancing our capacity for healing. A deeper acceptance of self. Wounds, warts, and all. As you claim yourself you let yourself free of the victimhood stories. Claiming yourself involves taking ownership of your life, choices, and emotions. It’s a process of acknowledging your power and responsibility in shaping your experiences. When you do this, you naturally begin to shed the narratives of victimhood, as you recognize your agency and the ability to influence the direction of your life. This shift fosters empowerment and liberation from cycles of feeling powerless or trapped by circumstances, leading to a more liberated and self-directed existence.

Co-Creating with the Universe

Remember, you are not just a part of the Universe; you are the Universe. This New Moon in Pisces encourages us to feel our infinite power and the full potential of our lives. By acknowledging our dreams and trusting the process, even when it doesn’t make sense, we open ourselves to the magic of manifestation. Showing up for ourselves and our visions invites the Universe to respond in kind, supporting us in our journey of creation.

Invitations to you from the New Moon in Pisces

As we embrace the energy of the New Moon in Pisces, we are called to:

Reflect on personal limitations and seek Uranus’s support to transcend them.

Embrace healing to dismantle barriers and unlock our dreams.

Practice mindfulness, observing without reaction to cultivate emotional and spiritual growth.

Acknowledge our role as creators of our reality, interconnected with the cosmos and its infinite power.

Explore the lessons of water, allowing emotional flow and connecting to our divine feminine essence.

This New Moon is an invitation to explore the vastness of our energy and potential, to feel interconnected with all that is, and to embrace the truth of our existence. By allowing ourselves to be fluid with our intentions and open to universal guidance, we co-create our reality, dancing in the rhythm of the Universe and stepping boldly into the life we envision.

As we journey through Pisces season and beyond, let us hold space for ourselves and our transformation, trusting in the magic of the cosmos and our place within it. This New Moon, let your heart guide you towards the freedom and fulfillment of your deepest desires, reminding you that everything you seek is already yours.

I want to extend my heartfelt dedication to all the Pisces in my life (and those I have yet to meet). Your insights and wisdom deeply illuminate my inner ocean and that of our collective. Without your reflective guidance, navigating this journey would be significantly more challenging.


Want to go deeper? Here are some journal questions inspired by the themes of Pisces to invite you deeper into yourself:

Reflect on the past six months: What significant changes have you experienced, and how have they shaped the person you are becoming?

How can you embrace the unknown with more bravery and faith in your daily life?

In what ways have your desires and dreams shifted recently, and what might this indicate about your spiritual and emotional growth?

What old habits, patterns, or behaviors are you ready to let go of in order to embrace the new opportunities that lie ahead?

How can you incorporate spontaneity, curiosity, and innovation into your approach to personal security and well-being?

What does stepping into your version of freedom look like, and how can you begin to move towards it under this New Moon in Pisces?

Looking forward, what intentions can you set that align with your deepest desires and contribute to a sense of collective well-being?

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Samantha Levi:

I am a fervent explorer of the realms of energy and the unseen, deeply passionate about uncovering its profound influence on our existence. My artistry/writing is not merely a pursuit but an authentic extension of my being—a dedicated seeker of truth, living with honor and integrity. Through my explorations, I seek to unravel the mysteries of the moon and astrology, aiming to provide insights that guide us on our earthly journey towards greater self-acceptance, and fostering understanding and compassion among us.

My work is anchored in a deep-seated loyalty to truth, striving to peel back the layers of the superficial to connect with the very essence of our being. This exploration is driven by the fundamental belief in our interconnectedness, recognizing that we are all part of a unified whole, not separate entities isolated in our experiences. As an artist/writer and a truth seeker, I am committed to delving into these rich territories of knowledge and wisdom, aiming to illuminate the paths that lead us closer to each other and the deeper acceptance of ourselves and the world around us.

Beyond being an artist/writer, I see myself as a testament to the power of love—its ability to heal, unite, and transform. I cherish love in all its abilities and manifestations, viewing it as the ultimate expression of our humanity and the highest truth we can embody. This conviction shapes my life and art, emphasizing compassion, understanding, and acknowledging our shared journey on this planet.

I am driven by the conviction that we are here to support and guide one another through life’s labyrinth, to “walk each other home,” in a manner of speaking. This philosophy imbues my work with purpose and a call to action: to uplift one another, share our lights, and navigate life’s complexities with grace and wisdom. Through my artistry/writing, I aspire to remind us of our collective journey toward enlightenment, firmly grounded in principles of unity, integrity, and a profound commitment to love. In doing so, I aim to illuminate the path that leads us closer to each other and fosters a deeper acceptance of ourselves and the world around us.

Samantha Levi calls Kansas City home, where she resides with her family and beloved pets. A professional commercial and editorial photographer with two decades of experience, she brings her unique visions to life through her lens, capturing moments that tell stories beyond the words she writes. She cherishes an untethered and uncaged existence, filled with adventures near and far. She revels in the daily spectacle of sunrises and sunsets, thrives on heartfelt connections, delights in daily rituals like making Spicy Mayan Mochas, and is committed to the practice of being fully present in every moment.

You can learn more about her at:


Photography Instagram: @samstownusa

Personal Instagram: @iamsamanthalevi

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xo, samantha

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