The creativity that exists within me is limitless. I am constantly overflowing with ideas and visuals. Through this curated page I have provided my top case studies within each of my speciality areas, all encompassing a centered theme, Branding. 

Branding can be broken down into sub niches from a retail store to a clothing editorial to a musician launching an album to your basic headshot for your LinkedIn profile. They all have an idea, a product or a service that is being shared to further grow their brand. So whether you're a Fortune 500 company, a small local business or an individual launching your entrepreneurial career. You can find a home within these pages and the possibilities that we can create together. 
My job as the photographer and visionary is to bring that to life and tell your story. 

brand photography

Hand & LAnd

Providing interior photography, Monthly Social Media Content, Products on White Website Retail and Event photography and more. 
Hand and Land is a true testament of the content that can be created for your brand  through Samanthas services.